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hybrid-flagship store

For this project, we were ask to develop a concept design for an Australia Post flagship store located in inner-city Melbourne, with a focus on the retail functions of Australia Post’s business. In addition, the focus will be on revitalising the civic and community presence of this institution. 

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For this Hybrid-flagship Australia Post store, I propose to create a space which can be used by all members of the wider community. This space will integrate all 4 of Australia Post’s brand values; trust, empowerment, safety and inclusivity. This new flagship store will become a community hub for Collingwood. With postal services on offer, the space will also have a community garden, cafe, library and children's zone, all accessIble to all members of the community. With connections with Australian Disability Enterprises, the space will be used as an opportunity for members of the community with disabilities, to learn about Australia post and work throughout the store. 

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To present the sense of community, I designed a graphic mural which would be positioned on the outside of the store. The mural brings colour and personality to the store front, and is an investing and inclusive tool to encourage the community to use Australia Post for all their essential needs. 

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